Ecatalogs HOME

Ecatalogs Corporate Profile

is a corporate division of our main company Daslweb. Daslweb specializes in custom web development, internet marketing, corporate branding and application development.

After developing several electronic catalog solutions for medium to small size businesses, we saw a need for a solid online catalog solution. Companies were looking for a complete electronic catalog package which is easy to use and aesthetically pleasing. We created a top of the line electronic catalog solution with your business needs in mind.

We spent many years perfecting our application to make our more user friendly and efficient. We are ever constantly upgrading and adding functionality to our to ensure that you have access to the best possible system on the web.

Our main goal was to develop a user friendly system which encompassed a full cycle marketing system. The objective was to help you, our valued clients, to take advantage of a complete online ecatalog marketing package that encompassed a professional catalog design and layout.

Secure online credit card and information processing modules can be integrated to your solution. Our solution allows you to easily operate you're own ecommerce web site. Furthermore, you will be working with some of Montreal's finest graphics artists, who will assist you in customizing the design of your ecatalog to encompass your company's corporate image and brand label.

It would be a pleasure to show you our how our application works. Contact us today for a free demonstration.

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Copyright © 2006-2011 ECATALOGS - Content Management System